Leadership begins from home
October 19, 2003
-Karthik Gurumurthy
“If we have to lead, we need to learn” most of us know that our first lessons were learnt at home and mother is our first teacher. As we grew up, we started learning new things from different sources, we feel we have graduated from the initial classes and move on from our parents - our initial teachers. Unfortunately what we miss is the learning what we can gain from these initial teachers about leadership.
Is it not true that mother thinks from the heart and not from her brain when it comes to do anything whit the child? Is it not true that when she loves, it is unconditional?Good leaders are no different, even if they get ideas in their brain, when it comes to execution, which requires people; it is done through the heart.
I recall a wonderful quote - “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care”. We might be genius, but people don’t care and will not follow until they know we care for them.
The most important thing in good leadership is truly caring. The best leaders in any profession care about the people they lead, and the people who are being led know when the caring is genuine and when it’s faked or not there at all. When it comes to caring, who could be a better teacher than mother? By learning to care we learn to lead.
It is like searching for peace externally all around us and many of us even travel long distance in the quest and in reality it is so easy to find it if we travel few inches internally to our heart. Same way, we have the best teacher to teach leadership at home, let us start learning leadership from home.