Quotable Quotes for Aug 10, 2006
Whatever it takes

Master of your own destiny

You are the master of your own destiny. You and you alone shape and mould the world you live in. If this were not true, you would be a mere mortal controlled by the external world, like a feather in the wind, blown this way and that way. But this is not the case. You are the master of your own ship.

When you realize this, you will never blame another, because not only are you the master of your own destiny, you are the master of your own emotions. There is no one inside of you, to control you, except you. But you must realize this, because this realization is the first step in self liberation. Isn’t this liberating? To realize that you never have to blame another again. You can move forward now, in complete confidence. Remember this….what you focus on expands, so start focusing on where you want to be, instead of blaming the world for where you are, because whatever you focus on will eventually engulf you.

When you are focused and have a goal in mind, the Universe makes way for things to happen, in a certain way, which may seem miraculous at first. You don’t have to be concerned with the details of how to get there, or how things will happen. You only have to have a goal. The way to achieve this goal, is not your concern, it will all fall into place…..This process is called “synchronicity”. When you are in tune with the Universe, and in tune with your self, everything is taken care of for you. Everything will happen in a perfect way.

You were born to set goals….not for the goal as an end in itself, but so you can marvel at how it all unfolds, and how the Universe wants you to know how powerful you are. What would you do with your life if you knew it was impossible to fail? Would you change the way you looked at the world? Of course you would! You would realise, the sky is the limit. You can have, be and do everything you’d ever imagined. The only reason why most people are where they are at, presently, is because of fear of failure.

Today, go out into the world and do something differently, and do it as though you cannot fail…failure is a choice, so is success. You will be pleasantly surprised at the outcome….Most people place limitations on themselves. Today, try raising the bar another notch. Extend yourself. Push the envelope. Learn to fly. You are a caterpillar, becoming a butterfly. Let go and let God. This is the quickest and easiest path to complete peace in a hectic world. When you let go of negative energy in negative situations, it makes room for peaceful and positive energy. Negative and positive emotion cannot occupy the same space, so you must let go of one, to experience the other.

Forgiving another usually means you have let go, and it is you who gains the benefit of letting go….once you realize this, you will never hang on to useless negative emotion for long periods of time. Look at children, they never seem to hang on for long, they let go very easily, then completely forget. Try and make a conscious decision today, to let go. Watch your emotions and interactions with others, and take control of yourself. Stick to the conscious path of self observation, you’ll be glad you did because the rewards are tremendous….I guarantee it.

Visualizing and thinking with concentration, desire and faith, and repeating these thoughts often, unleashes powerful energy. Your thoughts get radiated and broadcasted, influencing the minds of other people, and attracting to you people who think along the same lines as you do and who can help you with your plans. This process also heightens your awareness and perceptiveness of any opportunity connected with your thoughts that comes your way, and fills you with the inner power and initiative to utilize it. Why not become conscious of your thoughts, choose to think the ones that are beneficial for you, and consciously and advantageously utilize the power of attraction?

You can attract people, circumstances, events, possessions or a life style with the magnetic power of attraction of your mind. Remember, what you think about intently, with attention and feeling is attracted to you. It can be material and it can be spiritual. The power of attraction is a universal power and manifests everywhere and in everything. It is the power that holds the Universe together. Without it there would not be any world.


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