November 19, 2006
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it,
If you can dream it, you can become it"
-William Arthur Ward
Our dreams and our aspirations are our invitations to set new goals, attempt new tasks, dare to travel uncharted courses. We each have gifts to offer our fellow-travelers, but most frequently need encouragement to recognize our own strengths and talents.
Seldom do we rise in the morning fully eager to join in the opportunities that await us. More likely we have to prepare our minds, center our emotional selves, nurture the inner person who may fear the experiences the day promises.
Its normal-completely human -to be conscious of our incompetencies while lacking awareness of our abilities. To them we give scant attention, generally blocking ou the praise they elicit. To our failings, however small, we compulsively devote our attentive minds. We forget that today's abilities were last year's incompetencies.
Achievements today will be many, and they are indication of past dreams. My hopes today will guide me towards future achievements. My failings are few and help to keep me on track.