Know Thyself: Mirror Test
Important Questions

Adding value

Zig Ziglar says "You can get whatever you want so long as you help enough people get what they want". All of your most highly cherished dreams can become reality as long as you help enough of those around you get to their personal mountaintops. Shift from me to we and watch your career - and your life - become shockingly successful. Be a Value Creator - for every stakeholder in the world you inhabit.

Two weeks back I attended BBS by Rashmi Jyotiprakash at the Anaheim Convention center . It was phenomenal. He said: "The problem with society today is that people are too focused on themselves to care about the needs of others. Great change is brought about by ordinary people filling ordinary needs."

Today, look for ordinary ways to be extraordinary (that's a big formula for success). Do the little things with unimaginable passion and off-the-scales excellence. Give your best - and then go farther - to each of today's pursuits. Because the more value you can create for others, the more value they will return to you.


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