Notes to Myself Part 8
February 11, 2021
-Karthik Gurumurthy
"Try not to worry much. Whatever is happening is happening for a reason & it will teach you something. Trust your instincts, believe in your values & keep going. It's all building you up. And you can take it. Fall down but keep getting up.
No one is permanent in life. But everyone has a role to play. People come, teach you something & leave when they are meant to. Treat them well to your capacity & be honest. Don't bear any hard feelings.
Learn, gain experience, share, be generous but don't buildup a bad attitude. Use your ego wisely.
Try to stay in touch with your friends. They are true gems.
Life is a marathon, don't look at it like a sprint.
Stay happy, nothing is more important."
--your older self with greying hair 😊