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June 2022


-Karthik Gurumurthy

So glad I went with my family to watch this wonderful movie on the  first day of movie release(It is actually first day first show).  Totally worth it and more.

#RocketryTheFilm #RocketryTheNambiEffect is an Amazing Achievement by @ActorMadhavan and his team on the life of legendary rocket scientist #NambiNarayanan . What a great tribute !  #Maddy lived the role & deserves all appreciation. Kudos Team πŸ†πŸ€ πŸ’



Earned life

-Karthik Gurumurthy

Marshall Goldsmith imparts a powerful guide for anyone seeking a higher purpose in their personal and professional life.

Goldsmith draws on his experience as a world-renowned executive coach to provide practical advice and exercises aimed at helping readers live a life aligned with their overarching purpose, regardless of the eventual outcome.

Taking inspiration from Buddhism, Goldsmith reveals that the key to living an earned life, unbound by regret, requires committing to a habit of earning and connecting that habit to something greater than the isolated achievements of careerism.

With illuminating stories from Goldsmith's legendary career, this book provides a roadmap for ambitious people seeking to close the gap between what they plan to achieve and what they actually get done, and to avoid the trap of existential regret that reroutes destinies and persecutes memories.

Small actions make great leaders

-Karthik Gurumurthy

I just read an amazing HBR article by Dr. Hitendra Wadhwa.

Great leadership requires mastering key skills like communication, feedback, and motivation. But it's not just about the big gestures; small, consistent actions fueled by authenticity and positive energy are what truly propel you forward.

  • 3 key themes for "Energy/Action" leadership:
    • Intention: Bring out the best in yourself and others for a common good.
    • Energies: Activate purpose, wisdom, growth, love, and self-realization.
    • Actions: Simple steps to express these energies (e.g., disarm, appreciate, fuse opposites).
  • Benefits of "Energy/Action" training:
    • Attainable: Easier to learn and practice than complex behaviors.
    • Authentic: Aligned with your true feelings and thoughts.
    • Agile: Adaptable to different situations and people.
  • Conclusion: Focus on small, genuine actions guided by positive intentions and energies to develop your leadership potential.

Remember, it's the small, authentic, and consistent actions that make great leaders, not just grand gestures.


-Karthik Gurumurthy

β€œThe biggest disease of the mind is over-thinking, especially too much thinking about others: What they did, what they should do, what they should have done, what they said, what you wished they had said, why they spoke at all. All of these rob the mind of its inherent serenity.

Thinking too much is like eating too much. The heaviness makes it impossible to remain light and flexible. We get stuck on little things and gradually the little things become huge things which we cannot shake off. Often when we think too much we fantasise and overreact. Thus we create negative feelings.”

Evaluating your actions

-Karthik Gurumurthy

Practice emotional detachment in everything in your life.  Pause for a minute and evaluate if you really want to spend that energy in reacting. This includes all the emotions. We are manipulated by the society to react in a certain way over a period of time, most of the times if you evaluate,  it is not your natural reaction. It  has evolved over a period of time. If you look carefully at a child you will understand the natural emotional state of a human being. Observe the behavior of few children as a sample and identify the pattern. That's the natural human behavior. All our behaviors are social reactions and it is actually not serving the purpose of making us high performers. As you are constantly manipulating your emotions, your are cheating your own self. So you are in a failure mindset throughout the day as you are forced to behave in a certain way.

The sad part is you don't know that this is happening. It all happens in a matter of microseconds. To overcome this and become a high performer and express your true self, you need to have complete awareness over your reactions and emotions. Pause. Stay neutral without reacting and react only when you mean to. It will be tough to start, but over a period of time you will master it. Neutral, dumb, no reaction face is OK. Many won't accept your new way of life, don't fall prey to them. It is again a societal norms to carry a smiling face. Neutral is real. When you are born you actual cried. When you are peacefully sleeping your face is neutral. When you are very productive your face is neutral. And lot more. Think before you act.

Dysfunctional Leadership

-Karthik Gurumurthy

Not everyone is meant for everything. It's completely OK to tell no to things that doesn't makes sense to you. Actually it's a strength if you identify things that doesn't interest you. You will understand everything that is happening around it doesn't mean you have to do all of that. You understand them because of your common sense.  That's all. So step back, focus on things that you love the most and allow the rest to be taken care by others. No hard feelings.Keep on Keeping on..


Journey is the Reward

-Karthik Gurumurthy

Found this insightful short story in "Happiness Trap" by Dr. Russ Harris.

A mother decides to take her two kids to a fantastic Zoo which happens to be 2 hours drive. One kid has only one aim: to get to the zoo as fast as possible. All the way there he's sitting on the edge of the seat, in a constant frustration, every few minutes whining "Are we there yet?" " I am bored". "How much longer?"

Second kid has two aims: to get to the zoo as fast as possible and to appreciate the journey. So, this second kid is looking out the window noticing all the fields full of cows and sheep, watching in fascination at the giant trucks and waving at friendly pedestrians.

Now, if the car breaks down half-way and the kids never reach the zoo, then which kid had more rewarding journey? and if the car makes it to zoo, both kids will have a great reward - but still, only one of them has enjoyed the journey.

Living in the moment, appreciating where we are rather than focusing where we are not is the key to avoid happiness trap.
