August 10, 2023
-Karthik Gurumurthy
The warship Vasa capsized and sank on its maiden voyage in Stockholm (about 395 years back) on 10 August 1628. After 333 years on the seabed, the mighty ship was salvaged, and its voyage continued. Vasa is the world's best preserved 17th century ship, magnificiently adorned with hundreds of carved scupltures and 98% original.
If you visit Sweden, please do checkout Vasa Museum. I strongly recommend watching the short film about Vasa and take the guided tour around the ship. All around the ship, there are exhibitions that tell the story of Vasa's history and what the artefacts, sources can tell us about the ship, people and society in early 17th century Sweden, The order you visit the different exhibitions is for you to decide.